Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sshh, sshh, sshh...

I did something last night that I haven't gotten to do in over a year; I bounced Alexis to sleep. See, for Alexis' first year of life I would hold her in my arms in a cradle hold and bounce lightly on the side of my bed with her to get her to sleep. I would say "ssh, ssh, ssh" on beat when she was particularly upset. Well last night she was just 'out of sorts' and couldn't get herself to sleep. So as a last ditch effort I pulled out "the bounce." And it worked. And it made me miss having my little baby :( And it made me realize just how big she is when her legs were hanging over the ends of my arms!

This reminds me of how sad I was a day or two ago when mom gave me Alexis' swim bag and back-up diaper bag I had at her house. Oh my it was so freakin' sad. There were the tiny little suits and a bottle and spoon and more. There were all these reminders of my tiny baby that is no more. It was so sad. I had to stop looking at the stuff and put it away for another day. I'm such a big baby!

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