Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Perhaps an unpopular view.

Let me preface this by saying that my daughter does not go without, whether that be related to life's necessities or a bunch of toys (read: junk that litters the house). She is very privileged and could probably stand to lose about half of that which is in her room; oftentimes we reflect that she probably has too much. I say all of this to say that I probably hold an unpopular view of how a 2 year old, or especially even younger, child should "experience" Christmas. I will acknowledge that Alexis has wants; she knows how to ask for things or if not, how to moan, jump, point, or do a "point and jump dance" - you know the one?? The thing is: I strongly feel that I am not a bad mother or depriving her of anything by not making a huge deal out of what great toys I can get her for Christmas. In fact, if I am being brutally truthful, I feel that there are some parents who make a huge production out of this more for the "show-off factor" than anything. A child would be overjoyed with a roll of bubble wrap, heck I'd be overjoyed with that-I love the stuff! Yes, my daughter does love gifts, she loves unwrapping them too. She will have some things for Christmas but seriously I am not going to break the bank or go crazy when she gets and has what she wants all year. One exception that I note is that should a child have older siblings, it would be rather difficult to shield the younger child b/c as children age they unfortunately are going to get "caught up" in the hype no matter how much you think you've taught them differently! I honestly don't think bad of parents that purchase things for their children, I know how fun it is to shop!!! I don't think *all* parents have a complex or do it to show off; however, I do challenge them to take a step back and think about the necessity and reasoning behind it all. I just don't think that you are a bad parent if you don't *go present shopping crazy* and this isn't me trying to 'make myself feel better' for how I feel...just for the record!


Shannon said...

Bravo! i totally agree.

Daniel said...

I'm curious--basically 'cause I don't know how Alexis (or any random two year old) thinks:

Do you have presents wrapped up already--and, if so, can she understand why she can't open them immediately?

I'm certain that at some point a kid understands the value added to any random gift by the anticipation of it, but at two I'm guessing most kids find it really weird, and mean, of their parents (to the extent that they worry themselves about it at all anyway).


As an aside, I hope Santa gives your blog more paragraph breaks for Xmas!