Thursday, January 22, 2009

New shoes.

I love shoes. That is not a hidden fact. I have tons-way more than I actually wear or need however, ONE day I will. You know the story?! There is something, though, about new tennis shoes. I am like a child. I bet you money that I can jump higher or run faster in them *if* I ever decided to jump or run that is! New tennis shoes just make me feel great. I love them. There is an extra bounce in my step today as I am breaking in my new pair for my new job. It has been awhile since I have purchased new tennis shoes as I actually don't wear them a lot. Much faster to slip into a pair of flats but at least for a few weeks I will enjoy my new sneakers and the good feeling they bring ;)

I am getting excited about my new job. Tomorrow will be my last day at my current job and I know it will be hard in some ways. I will miss the people I work with. I hope that I don't cry as I leave tomorrow-I'm such a dork like that. I really was blessed to have great co-workers for my first job after being a stay at home mom; they helped make the transition easier. I guess this is part of life allbeit a hard one :(


Shannon said...

You're gonna cry! But that's ok. That's because you have such a big heart!

Virginia Janet said...

Interesting.!! I am too quite fascinated with shoes.