Sunday, January 11, 2009


Just feeling "eh" today. Want to feel excited but have so many thoughts about things to do and decisions to make that I really don't have a grip on any one thing at all. There is part of me that is energized for change. I am eating well and although I haven't weighed myself, can already tell that I am going down in lbs. (better than up!) and have managed to do some form of exercise each day. This has me feeling good about myself. I have started doing daily devotion time for myself. A time to just relax, pray and focus on making positive changes and choices daily.

On the other hand I have some decisions to make that don't fall in line with the "idea" I have had with regards to how things would be. Is that so bad? No, I don't have a problem with change (or a problem answering my own questions!). I just have a problem with trying to please everyone around me and when I don't 100% I beat myself up feeling like I have failed miserably. I wish I could change this about myself. I am working on ME with the mindset that if I do so I will be not only a better person, but a better wife and mother and friend. We'll see.

So for this moment, feeling a little "eh". Maybe when I take a shower and get out for the day things will change :)

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