My project for today was to teach myself how to crochet. I went out this morning to the only place I could buy any yarn...Walmart (yuck!) and got some crappy yarn, but hey, it was a start. Then I came home to revisit Mikey. I found him on youtube last night and went thru how to crochet a granny square all night in my head. (Mikey is an extremely good teacher. He goes slow but not too slow and has a nice calming voice. He also has made some pretty awesome things. I am loving me some Mikey!) Feeling so confident, I started immediately when I got home with my purple yarn and purple crochet hook (of course!). It didn't really happen for me like I had I tried off and on all day. Here we are...8 pm and I have made my first granny square (well sort of, it kind of looks like a granny circle-I think I need to add something there at the end-but I'm on my way at least)! I let out a little happy scream which scared my husband and daughter. I'm so excited. I will have visions of blankets dancing in my head as I sleep tonight! Now I can lay off stalking the poor girl at Hancock Fabrics to teach me how to knit! I still want to knit though, and found some instruction on that too (see: threadbangers on youtube) but I'm going to try and stick to one thing at a time. I've enclosed a pic for your pleasure ;)
Btw I have realized how much I rely on smileys to convey my sarcasm, happiness, etc. in trying to write. I wish there was an option for them here :(